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I am a Table Tennis playing, running, married father of 2, and I need somewhere to vent. I have chosen this place!

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Trail shoes required I think - pt 2!

Sozzers about that, got interrupted mid-blog.

Not much left to report anyway really.

As I said, my shoes had a compacted lump of snow on the heel of each foot, the left more so than the right, which got quite uncomfortable in the last 4km, strangely though, that didn't bother me as much my eyebrows getting snowed up again.
All in all though, it was nice to run in the proper snow, not sure I'm looking forward to Monday mornings 45 min run. The snow will have compacted right down and have iced up. Maybe I'll try and run on the road instead. If I had a set of trail shoes, maybe I wouldn't be quite so hesitant to go out in the ice and snow. Running shop sales ahoy I reckon.

Good luck everyone, don't let the snow stop you running, just be careful.


  1. http://runkeeper.com/user/Stukingping/activity/21338945

  2. You can get ice cleats instead of trail shoes, though (touch wood) I've not had to use either : http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-240-323--12421-0,00.html

  3. Good effort!!! I actually own a pair of trail shoes, but decided to go out for a run in my newtons! figure that!! :-)

  4. Hey Jules.
    Thanks for the link. I didn't even think that these would exist for some random reason. Anyhoo, I've only gone and ordered a set of they yaktrax things. I'm hoping they'll turn up before all the snow and ice properly melts!
    Cheers matey.
