About Me

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I am a Table Tennis playing, running, married father of 2, and I need somewhere to vent. I have chosen this place!

Sunday, 2 January 2011

2 down, 29 to go.

Well there we have it. Title says it all really.
Again only a short run as still feeling the effects of germs n that. Not coughing as bad as previous though which is a spee-lendid sign. I shall probably keep the runs shortish for the first week or so anyway, just to give me time to recover proper like, then I shall try to catch up on the missed sessions for the half mara training.

The run itself was pleasant enough, it was after all only to get to the nearest cash machine then bugger out of it back home again - hence - still, a good excuse to get out for a half hour shuffle. Oh and yaaay, I unlocked my 5k foursquare badge wooohooo. Sarcasm doesn't type very well by the way.

Tomorrows run will not appear till late as it's planned as my return trip from work at 7pm, only 6.5k, but as I say, I'm building up slooowly.

Pip pip B's n G's.


  1. Glad you're starting to feel a little better. Hope your run back from work is good... oh and well done on unlocking your 5k foursquare thingy badge... that looks like it was a very exciting moment! ;-)

  2. good that you're on the mend, anything below the neck slaughters me. have a good one

  3. Hi are you in Didcot? I am just down the road in Wantage. Good luck with Janathon. Maybe see you at Oxford Town and Gown.

  4. Defo ed. I was looking for the T & G website today. 30th anniversary this year apparently. I am in Harwell.
