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I am a Table Tennis playing, running, married father of 2, and I need somewhere to vent. I have chosen this place!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Injuries everywhere!

Yes yes yes, I have another one, woohooo!
I think I'm falling to bits, and it's all because I want to stop myself falling to bits when I get older. Hmmm, summit not quite right about this.

As well as having what can only be called friction burns on my back, I shaln't bother with another picture as they actually look pretty crap in a picture, really impressive when I look in a mirror though, I have now also got a gammy big toe, on which I had to perform some minor surgery just a little while ago in the hope that it will get better, it involved popping things with a pin and some squeezing of said things. No further details needed your honour. I was going to take a pic and shove it on here but can't bothered, I figure you've probably had enough of me bleating on about constant injuries so from now on I shall stay schtum about them, unless my leg or some other item falls off because of excessive running.

On with todays run then.

Not very exciting I'm afraid, don't really get to see a great deal at 5.15 in the morning at this time of year apart from blindingly bright headlights. Oh, that reminds me of a little tip that I've found works quite well. If there is an arse driving a car towards you with the lights on full beam, I have found that lowering my head down so as my chin is almost touching my chest and then looking up through my eyebrows seems to block out a lot of glare.
Hey-ho, on we go. Left Harwell at 5.15 on a 50 min easy run and though to just do an "out-and-back" effort this morning, and by gum wasn't it an effort, still stiff and a bit sore from yesterdays epic, (well it was the 2nd longest run I'd ever done!) but very enjoyable run. Got back home at 6.10, got changed, jumped on the bike and piddled off to work.

I'm now in a bit of a quandry as to what to do tomorrow. I really should do some intervals but I'm not sure I'm up to doing the planned 70 min session, and defo not as a before work sesh. On the other hand, I have a TT match tomorrow night over at Upton which is around a 4 or 5 mile trip from work. I could run there, but don't want to destry myself before the match. Hmmmmm, decisions decisions.

Join me again tomorrow night when we'll be discussing how close to going gangrenous my foot really is.

Nighty noo.

1 comment:

  1. OH my! I hope your leg doesn't fall off! Imagine that... you'd just have to stick it back on with cellotape and hope it holds for the rest of January... maybe duct tape would be better... :-)
