About Me

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I am a Table Tennis playing, running, married father of 2, and I need somewhere to vent. I have chosen this place!

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Morning has indeed, broken. Day 11.

Day 11 dusted with a steady (by steady I mean snail pace) plod into Didders and back. Not quite as early as yesterday, but still, 5.15 is plenty early enough. And if anyone is interested, George woke up 3 times last night, so again, a restfull dos was not had, but at least when I did get up I could hear the birdies peeping and tweeting, which was nice.

Still don't know what is going on with my stupid leg, damn thing aches pretty much all day even if  it's only a bit, but once I start running it feels like it (either a tendon or ligament) is going to snap, especially when going up hill. It's not epecially painful, just effing annoying. It don't help much when I have a long run planned for tomorrow morning, so that'll be another stupid o'clock start then. Not sure if I'm going to run first then get changed and go to work or stay in bed for a wee bit longer and just run the 1hr 20 (approx. 9 miles) route I've got semi-planned straight into work.

You'll find out on the morrow me hearties.



  1. Sounds good to run into work as long as you have showers of course!

  2. I've just read your blog - you sound like superwoman. I am going to stop making excuses on mine now!

  3. BB: Good choice. That is what I did in the end, the blog and log will appear shortly.
    MM: I am going to take that as a massive compliment even though I am a 35 year old chap. You've got me thinking that I write like a girl now though! Thankyou for your lovely comment. :-)
