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I am a Table Tennis playing, running, married father of 2, and I need somewhere to vent. I have chosen this place!

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Ow step ow step come on Stu ow step ow step, BOLLOX!

Yep, BOLLOX indeed.

I fear my Janathon may actually be over. For once I may have to quit something through injury rather than the usual bout of bone-idleness which usually hits me.

I was determined to hit the 100 mile mark today, even though I had a fair bit of pain in the left ankle. This could have been my undoing, my new found stubborness that is the fame of runners around the world.
I stepped/limped out the door at 1.10 today, after much clearing up of child sick during the night and some of this morning, with a bloodstream full of pain killers and anti-inflams, neither of which actually seemed to make a blind bit of difference, with the aim of doing 9 miles. This would have taken me past the sacred number that is 100. Slight pain and everso slight limpage for the first 3 miles, not to bad this Stu, I thought to myself, could be good. By this point I was coming up to the Ladygrove estate, 3 more miles would take me round Ladygrove and past the Power Station and upto Milton Park. By the 6 mile point my ankle was starting to hurt properly now and the limp was getting more pronounced and heavier. The last 3 miles would take me through Milton Park, around the A34 interchange, up Milton Hill, into Rowstock and back home to the bath.
I did not make it out of Milton Park. A grand distance total of 7.26 miles in just over an hour. I wasn't going for speed, just distance. I ended up calling mummy out to pick me up and give me a lift back home.
It wasn't till I got in the car when I logged the run on my Running Log app that I realised how close I really was to hitting the 100 mile mark. 0.67 miles!!! BASTARDS!!! I could've forced myself to do it, and saved mother the bother of coming out. All I had to do was turn round and run in a straight line that would have taken me back to work where I could have picked my bike up and ridden home. As it is, I MAY have to attempt to run into work tomorrow to fetch my bike, so all hope is not lost, although it may well get left behind at some point.

If this is the end of my Janathon, I want to say a massive thankyou to those of you who have left shiny comments here and encouraged me elsewhere. And also, a serious well done to all those still kicking and typing.
If this is not the end, well, you'll have some more rubbish to read tomorrow then won't you.

Whatever happens, I will be along to the Hyde Park bash in Feb. I hope there is a beer tent!



  1. Gutted for you :( That is shame but it doesnt have to be over, try the local pool and clock in some meters... it all helps!

    Hope your ankle feels better sooon!

  2. Cheers Marts.
    I did actually start this is the hope of getting myself a Garmin 405, so stopping running put paid to that anyway.
    Thanks for your suggestion, though I fear I cannot swim. Once I have my bike back I shall put in some extra saddle miles though.
    Cheers Marts, and good luck to you.
